Since you are looking for a way to earn money with dropshipping that means that you are probably aware that it is possible, but how awesome would it be if you could start a dropshipping business without any money at all and still earn a living? Although the idea of realizing any type of business without initial investments sounds impossible, it is actually feasible to start doing business with no funds whatsoever. Surely, if you could sit in your cozy chair for hours without moving a finger and still make a living, everybody would be doing it, so we do not offer you wonders, we will simply present you with a few guidelines on how to start a dropshipping business with no money.
Choose a Store
If you want to sell items for money, what you need is an adequate store where you can present what you offer. The thing you should be aware of is numerous dropshipping platforms are operating worldwide and they offer different packages to their users. The thing that interests us the most is where we can offer our products for free. Well, the answer is everywhere and nowhere. In other words, if you only want to set up a profile and try how things work you can rely on a trial period offered by almost every operating platform. Therefore, you can enjoy the benefits of free trade for up to 2 weeks. When a trial period expires, what you should do is opt for a particular package that suits your style of trading the most. A certain platform such as eBay functions in a way that you pay a small fee on every item you sell, depending on the value of the item sold, while sellers using Amazon pay additional fees apart from the commission on the item sold. Other platforms function by charging their users monthly and the payments are different depending on the package, thus, you can choose the one that fits your trading habits.
Pick a Supplier

Unless you already have a stash of items someone would gladly purchase, your next step is to find a supplier of the goods you want to distribute. Different suppliers have different business strategies but we recommend the ones that will enable you to craft your brand and charge you a small time for the service. When it comes to your brand, you should decide what you want to sell. Therefore, you can sell clothes, fashion accessories, household gadgets, and whatever else you find suitable, as long as you leave a piece of your earnings to your suppliers. While some charge by sold unit, others have different working terms, so you should cooperate with the ones that suit your work ethics. So, when you find a suitable supplier, you are almost good to go and start free dropshipping, thus check this website and see for yourself how a platform specialized for dropshipping looks like.
Time Investment

After you have made your choices regarding a store and a supplier, it is time to dedicate yourself to designing your wares. Since this is closely related to the supplier section, you will need to work within certain limits your supplier offers. Namely, that is where your creativity enters the scene, so in accordance with different tools you might use you should reshape different models, pick the materials, choose the size, and design various features of the items of your interest. If you are fond of design then this should cause you no trouble at all but if you rather enjoy the commercial part of the dropshipping business you might need to work harder to get the optimal results. You can always ask for professional assistance but considering that it usually costs money, it fails to qualify for our free-of-charge list.

When we talk about dropshipping it is only reasonable to expect as much profit as you sell your products, and you will not sell anything if nobody knows about you and your wares. Since we are trying to develop a strategy where no money is used to back up the story it is quite hard to get to the customers and convince them that your product is what they need. While social networks could be the answer to your question, it is not likely that you will draw much attention by solely adding people to different groups. Another possible solution is to create an Instagram page where you could advertise your goods via posts and dedicated stories. We are not saying that this is the most beneficial way to promote your products, but it is the cheapest one. It would help if you happen to know a celebrity that would put up a word or two about your wares, but not everybody is lucky enough to be in a position to ask for a favor of that magnitude.
Follow Trends
Following contemporary trends costs zero bucks, but it can work wonders for your brand. You do not want to offer an outdated product because no one will buy it, so you need to be aware of the actual demand on the market. What you need to do is follow famous persons and adjust your offer to what you think it will sell. Serious companies hire professionals to do this on their behalf and they earn a fortune for their professional opinion. While you are limited with your non-existing budget, you will have to do this part of the job on your own steam and if you try enough, you will be able to enjoy the products of your work in no time. If you are having issues with lack of inspiration, simply follow popular YouTubers and see what piece of wisdom they have to share, since they often share their thoughts on global trends with their audience. Thus, if you need to copy, copy from the pros.
Hopefully, the aforementioned pieces of advice shall prove their usefulness and help you start your dropshipping business without any initial investments but still provide you with enough profit to be satisfied. Once you get started you will realize what modifications are considered a necessity for a business to grow and develop in a certain direction and while it is possible to start a business without money it is highly unlikely that you will be able to raise it to a whole new level without it.