
Doodle Art Inspiration

Doodle art is a rich design form that anyone can work at. Doodling, maybe, like what we do the back pages of notebooks. But doodle art? Like a trickle at the headwater of a great river, doodle art can produce visual surprises. Or capture flashes of inspiration which would otherwise flow by unnoticed. And it’s so much fun.

For graphic design, doodle art is an outlet for unexpected ideas, thought streams, compositions and associations. But even doodling while listening or waiting in line has proven helpful for retaining and comprehending information. Everyone from presidents to kindergarten pupils has produced interesting visual doodles.

Doodle art has the appeal of having no expectations. Unlike representational drawing, there’s no pressure to make it “look like” anything. It taps into the often-neglected part of our consciousness that keeps saying “I can’t draw.” A daily doodle journal is known to be an indispensable tool for both design beginners and professionals.

The doodle art featured below can be quite daunting, but also inspiring. Some are from graphic designers who only started doodling recently. Others doodle as a hobby, or as a break from the day’s work. The variety of cultural symbols, images, stories, life experiences come together in a visual feast. Who would’ve thought that complex works of art could begin from doodling lines or circles?

La Gioconda Project contribution, by Kerby Rosanes

La Gioconda Project contribution, by Kerby Rosanes

Japanese Doodle, by Vicente Teng II

Japanese Doodle, by Vicente Teng II

Wall Doodles, by Rico Greyvensteyn

Wall Doodles, by Rico Greyvensteyn

Sketchbook Doodles, by Danielle Aldrich

Sketchbook Doodles, by Danielle Aldrich

Doodle Drawings by Carmen Hickson

Doodle Drawings by Carmen Hickson

Monster Battle Royale, by Lei Melendres

Monster Battle Royale, by Lei Melendres

Monster Battle Royale, by Lei Melendres

Doodle City, by Toasty Tuesday

Doodle City, by Toasty Tuesday

Medetai Doodle, by Masayo Shimizu

Medetai Doodle, by Masayo Shimizu

The Jungle of Mind, by Meidy Naomi

The Jungle of Mind, by Meidy Naomi

Doodle Art by Dinara Mirtalipova

Doodle Art by Dinara Mirtalipova

Doodle Giftwrapping Paper, by Vimalkirti Deshmukh

Doodle Giftwrapping Paper, by Vimalkirti Deshmukh

Bottle Art, by Alia Syed

Bottle Art, by Alia Syed

Floral Doodles, by Faheema Patel

Floral Doodles, by Faheema Patel

Timbre Headphones – Doodle Illustration by Lei Melendres

Timbre Headphones – Doodle Illustration by Lei Melendres

Hand-Drawn Doodles – Female Lifestyle, by Olka Design

Hand-Drawn Doodles - Female Lifestyle, by Balabolka (Olka Design)

The Dreamer Girl – Doodle Project, by Jehad Alhemaid

The Dreamer Girl - Doodle Project, by Jehad Alhemaid

Moebius 1, by Sarcoptiform

Moebius 1, by sarcoptiform

Doodle Box, by Doodle Bros

Doodle Box, by Doodle Bros

Under the Tree, by Meidy Naomi

Under the Tree, by Meidy Naomi

Never Quit Drawing, by Kerby Rosanes

Never Quit Drawing, by Kerby Rosanes

Written by Henry Has

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